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Find the Best Selection of LVT Flooring in Kingsville, ON

Since 1989, A & A Flooring Limited has stayed up to date on all the latest trends in residential flooring, including luxury vinyl tile or LVT. Luxury vinyl tile was introduced in the 1970s but has continued to gain in popularity throughout the decades. It’s now one of the most in-demand flooring options for homeowners looking for a durable and cost-effective way to improve the style and value of their homes. Whether you’re planning a simple update or a whole room remodel, new floors can dramatically transform the space. Let our design professionals help you find the best flooring options. Then, you can schedule your installation with our team.

vinyl tile installation

We Follow a Comprehensive Design and Installation Process

The knowledgeable and experienced flooring professionals at A & A Flooring Limited follow a customer-focused flooring design and installation process, ensuring you’re satisfied with your new floors. As a full-service flooring company, we’re with you every step of the way to provide guidance and insight. Our flooring process includes the following:

  • Consultation – Whether you visit our showroom or schedule an in-home consultation, our expert design team will help you find the right flooring.
  • Project Estimate – Once you’ve chosen the flooring you love, we’ll provide you with a free and accurate project estimate.
  • Installation – Our installation team will get started as soon as possible and complete the project on time.

What Are the Benefits of Installing LVT in My Home?

Throughout the decades, the perception of vinyl flooring has dramatically changed, and no longer considered a “cheap” flooring option for parts of your home that guests don’t visit. Instead, luxury vinyl tile can be used in your kitchen, bathroom, or any other room you want to marry luxury and style. If you’re still uncertain if luxury vinyl tile flooring is right for you, then consider the following benefits:

Design Options

Luxury vinyl tile flooring is typically designed to replicate stone, wood, or ceramic flooring. As an engineered material, it comes in a nearly limitless variety of colours and designs, making it perfect for contemporary homes and more traditional or rustic spaces.


Most types of LVT are waterproof and made from dense materials, which makes them stain and scratch resistant. When properly installed by a professional, luxury vinyl tile can last up to 25 years.


Whether you need a durable flooring option for the bathroom or entryway or need a specific color or tone to achieve your design goals in the bedroom or dining room, luxury vinyl tile may be the best option.

Get New Floors You’ll Love for Your Home

When it’s time to upgrade your home, installing new floors is always the right choice. New floors increase your home’s value and can dramatically transform the room’s look. We have two showrooms full of flooring varieties from which homeowners can choose. Our team will guide you through the process of selecting the best flooring options based on your style, budget, and needs. We aim to ensure everyone can enjoy the look of new flooring for their home. Get started with a consultation today.

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